Friday, 22 June 2007

Your Chance for Points

5 points for where this is.
20 points for who remains undefeated so far on this table.


Jessica Lowe said...


That is: the garage of the rectory (ie, The Paterson's home!)

I have never seen it there!

Umm, not sure about the playing one - either James or Andrew...

mw said...

Who remains undefeated - it must be Jemima

Andrew Paterson said...

5 points for Jess for where it is.

Leaving 20 points open - must be one name guess only!

MW - logical choice - but it is someone in our Senior High group...

Jessica Lowe said...

Andrew gave the answer away in the sermon tonight!!!

And the name is on this page 3 times already!

I'd say it but I have already scored points from this!!

Who, oh who can it be??!?!?!?!?!?

Andrew Paterson said...

20 points not awarded - will jackpot for our next competition!

Dan said...

I dont think I qualify for the competition but I must say I like the portrait of Calvin

Andrew Paterson said...

Portrait? Huh?